What are the advantages of using CNM ePortfolio?
CNM ePortfolio awards credit for college-level learning (knowledge, skills, and competencies) that students have obtained as a result of their prior learning experiences.
Degrees mean jobs
56% of America's in-demand jobs require a certificate or degree.

Saves you time
Earn your certificate or degree faster because you applied for and received CPL college credit.

Get credit for what you already know
Get college credit for workplace training, military training and service, professional certifications and volunteer activities.

Saves you money
Save the cost of tuition for CPL college credit awarded to you.

Great for adults returning to college
Enrollment for non traditional learners is increasing. In 2015 alone, 41% of college students were over the age of 25.

Get credit for exams
Potential to earn credit for exams such as AP, IB, CLEP, DSST and more.
How it Works
Getting started is a breeze. Create an account, build a profile, search for courses related to your prior learning and create a request to speak with an advisor.
Your advisor will guide you in creating your application and recommend what course(s) will provide the best opportunity to award you credit for your prior learning experiences.
Once your application is approved, you will build your e-portfolio that a qualified assessor will evaluate.